Activating TEL Issuance at the Application Layer

This is a first draft of the ‘Activating TEL Issuance at the Application Layer’ TANIP


This proposal implements TEL systems and issuance flows on TAN for Stakers and Developers, establishing the platform’s application layer incentive mechanisms. With 194.44M TEL in the TAN Council Safe, weekly distributions of TEL will flow to both Developers and Stakers based on their share of Platform production. This initiates the unified staking model and activates essential platform adoption incentives.


The Telcoin Platform requires active application layer participation to achieve its vision of universal mobile-enabled blockchain services. By implementing TEL issuance for Developers and Stakers, we:

  • Incentivize GSMA member application development
  • Drive user adoption through staker referrals
  • Foster an on-chain ecosystem aligned with natural market incentives
  • Empower the entire value chain with ownership rights, fulfilling the Association’s constitutional mandate for inclusive, decentralized governance


A. TEL Distribution Framework

  • TAN Council Safe Balance: 194.44M TEL
  • Weekly Distribution:
    • Developers (see below): 1,068,376.06 TEL
    • Stakers: 3,205,128.205 TEL
  • Distribution Timing: Every Wednesday at 00:00 UTC

B. Developer Rules

  • Eligibility: GSMA members in non-sanctioned jurisdictions, approved by the Compliance Council, and adhering to application infrastructure standards.
  • Allocation Formula:
    • 1 Developer (today): ⅓ of weekly total
      • Allocation: 1,068,376.06 TEL per week
    • 2 Developers: ⅔ of weekly total
      • Allocation: 2,136,752.13 TEL per week
    • 3+ Developers: Full weekly total allocation
      • Allocation: 3,205,128.205 TEL per week
  • Basis for Income Formula:
    • Pro-rata share vs other Developers based on their user base’s:
      • Referral fees
      • TELx exchange fees
      • Telcoin Network gas fees paid by user base
  • Information Sharing Requirements: Developers must share users’ fees and referral fees metrics each week for the TAN Council to distribute to both Developers and Stakers according to their rules.
  • Application Infrastructure Standards: See existing eligibility and authorization rules here.

C. Staker Rules

  • Eligibility: All Telcoin mobile app users who have added another user’s referral code
  • Allocation Formula: 3,205,128.205 TEL per week
  • Basis for Income Formula:
    • Pro-rata share of:
      • Personal fees paid
      • Referred users’ fees paid

D. TAN Maximum Weekly TEL Issuance Rule:

  • Throughout the entire period, total staked TEL must exceed: (Lifetime TEL issuance + Current week TEL issuance)

Technical Implementation

Staker contracts and developer staking contracts are already deployed and live on the Polygon Network. Infrastructure for developer reporting and issuance has been built and details of this will be provided here in due course.


TAN Issuance Calculation Specification


  • Stakers must both post a nonzero TEL stake && be a Referee to be eligible for rewards
  • Stakers' own user fees are eligible for rewards
  • Referrers are Stakers who have referred one or more Referees. They are eligible for their Referees’ user fees in addition to their own fees
  • Thus, eligible users for TAN rewards issuance comprises Stakers and Referrers
  • Support any custom time period, provided via input
  • Referrer <-> Referee relationships will be provided by a TAN app backend doc (can also be identified by SimplePlugin::increaseClaimableBy() events)
  • Rewards Caps: rewards for a given period are capped by the lowest stake held by the Staker/Referrer during the period, less rewards already earned. Ie: rewardsCap = stakeAmtTrough - cumulativePrevReward.
    An individual’s maximum reward amount must be less than or equal to their fee spend.
  • As a result, historical rewards must be persisted for future rewards cap derivations
  • User fees can be identified as the TEL sent to Amirx from aggregator. This fee is deducted a claimableStakeReward and then forwarded to fees safe

Note that the claimableStakeReward is a separate staking reward which accrues per swap rather than per TAN issuance period. It is derived based on the Staker’s stake amount with various percentage tiers as detailed in the Telcoin app.

Proposed Flow

  1. Provide a time period for the distribution
  2. Identify total amount of user fees for eligible Stakers and Referrers over the time period
  3. Calculate the pro-rata share for each Staker and Referrer of total fees for the time period
  4. Apply rewards caps to values derived in #3
  5. Split total issuance amount for the time period along #4’s resulting capped pro-rata proportions

To accomplish the above:

Numbering refers to the spec steps above

  1. Pull all transactions involving users in TAN app document and derive total sum of their user fees

  2. User fees can be identified by txs with a tel transfer to AmirX from aggregators. Must enforce aggregator as src address here to prevent unrelated/rogue txs from being included in calc

  3. Store these transactions and note their executor, fee amt, and referrer & Referee (if applicable)

Stored data structure example using Viem types:

interface RewardableTX {

txHash: 0x${string}; // bytes32

executor: 0x${string}; // address

userFee: BigInt; // uint256

user: 0x${string}; // address

referrer: null || 0x${string}; // optional address


  1. Calculate total eligible fee sum for each eligible user (Stakers and Referrers) and its pro-rata weight against the total sum of user fees from #2

  2. Using relationships from TAN app doc:

(eligible user’s fees + Referees’ fees)

Remember that each tx’s user fee can be identified by the TEL amount sent to AmirX by the aggregator

  1. Assign pro-rata weight to each eligible user, based on their proportion of the total fee amount identified in #2:

(referrerFees + RefereeFees) / totalFeeAmt

  1. Calculate rewards caps for all eligible users, derived as follows:

rewardsCap = stakeAmtTrough - cumulativePrevReward

  1. Identify referrer’s amount staked at the last final block:

StakingModule::stakedByAt(referrer, lastFinalBlock)

  1. Identify stake changes within the period via

StakingModule::stakeChanged(account, oldStake, newStake)

  1. If stake changes found, set referrer rewards cap as the lowest stake amount within the period
  2. Check historical rewards and subtract historical reward amount from rewards cap

Note that this cap results in an opportunity cost: ie funds a referrer would have earned had they staked more. The opportunity cost is intended to incentivize stakers to lock more TEL to open the door for more rewards.

Now we have calculated each referrer’s pro-rata share of total fees generated over the time period, and their current rewards cap. The final step is to apply the rewards cap.

  1. Divide this period’s total issuance distribution along the pro-rata proportions derived in #3 and then apply rewards caps to output a map:

(eligibleUser => weightedDistribution)

  1. Map is used to distribute rewards
  2. The derived weightedDistribution amount must be added to a persistent store of cumulativePrevReward which will be used in the future for #4

Example Scenario: Alice, Bob, and Charlie

To illustrate the above requirements, consider the following scenario:


• Alice is a referrer who invites Bob and Charlie to the system.

• Bob and Charlie execute trades, generating fees.

• Alice is eligible for a portion of the fees as a referrer.


1. Referral Relationships

• Alice refers Bob and Charlie.

• This establishes a one-to-many relationship between Alice (referrer) and Bob/Charlie (referees).

2. Fee Generation

• Alice generates $50 in fees.

• Bob generates $100 in fees.

• Charlie generates $200 in fees.

• Total fees for Alice: $350.

3. Reimbursement Eligibility

• Alice is eligible for fees as she referred Bob and Charlie.

4. Stake and Rewards

• Assume Alice’s stake fluctuates during the reward period:

• Day 1: 50 tokens

• Day 2: 30 tokens

• Day 3: 40 tokens

• Alice’s reward cap for the period is determined by her lowest stake (30 tokens).

• If Alice previously earned 10 tokens in rewards, her new reward cap becomes:

Lowest Stake (30) - Previous Rewards (10) = 20 tokens

5. Reward Distribution

• Rewards are distributed based on Alice’s portion of total fees.

• Calculation considers the custom reward period (e.g., start time t1 to end time t2).

• Output in a blockchain friendly format


  • Executor
    • Address: 0x0082CaF47363bD42917947d81f4d4E0395257267
    • Address: 0xA64B745351EC40bdb3147FF99db2ae21cf93E6E3
    • Gas Sponsor for all trades
  • Aggregator
    • Address: 0x1111111254EEB25477B68fb85Ed929f73A960582
    • Address: 0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF
    • Performs DeFi trades
  • ProxyFactory
    • Address: 0x1FF89677646bfc4189475fC4eCfC7cF7a3b10F3e
    • Address: 0x6FE6d75634E3f79B591d1B358835846b7abb6c4D
    • Can provide record of wallets
    • event Deployed(address indexed proxy, bytes32 salt)
  • AmirX
    • Address: 0x4eB4A35257458C1a87A4124CE02B3329Ed6b8D5a
    • All trades are routed through contract
    • Transfer Events
    • To be Deprecated
      • 0x5c4Bb7067199f91a432Ae5F90C742967CfDF7E50
      • 0xfBBB07E82c771489f2256f82060CAB17DB14c18f
  • Staking Contract
    • Address: 0x92e43Aec69207755CB1E6A8Dc589aAE630476330
    • Provides value of stake
    • event StakeChanged(address indexed account, uint256 oldStake, uint256 newStake)
  • Staking Plugin
    • Address: 0xDb0e60A38Bf7d04c8ae0B396A65E5aa550f9885A
    • Rewards provided to referrer to build relationship
    • event ClaimableIncreased(address indexed account, uint256 oldClaimable, uint256 newClaimable)
    • To be Deprecated
      • 0x2f3378850a8fD5a0428a3967c2Ef6aAA025a4E1D
      • 0xe24f8d36405704e85945a639fdaCEc47bA2a7c88
  • Fees Safes
    • Address: 0x8Eb6bBBF0fEe93ADC3A992d3DD54ED5294961237
    • Address: 0xd796d81170645fdd1EFC1c1b1090969B11008D9C
    • Destination address for fees
    • Transfer Events
  • Wallet Implementation
    • Address: 0xb60c857742c2a93bbccb69dde3fa48a4af92db65

I have a concern regarding this proposal.

As long as the Telcoin Network isn’t up and running, I don’t see the benefits of it for the Association.
As it is stakers will be incentivized to generate (fake) volume on the Telcoin App, which will mostly benefits Telcoin Holdings.
As the swaps route via aggregators, there’s no way to guarantee that Liquidity Providers will benefit as well.
I’m all for incentivizing developpers to integrate the Telcoin Network, but I feel that Telcoin Holdings, as the original founder of the project, doesn’t need any incentive for that.
I’d rather have a system of grants distributed by the Platform Council for people to create applications on the TN.
The allocation could also be better used by the TAO to speed up the development of the TN, after disclosure of the breakdown of costs associated.
The launch of Telcoin Network should be our priority.
When it is up and running will be the time we can start incentivizing its activity.

My 2 cents

Following discussions during the TAN Council Meeting on January 16th 2025, the scope of this TANIP will be separated into two phases. The first phase, Phase 1: Activating TEL Issuance at the Application Layer - Stakers, focuses on stakers, while a future TANIP will cover the Developer portion of TEL issuance at the application layer.