Platform Council Election 1: Developers

Platform Council Nomination: Will Myers

Candidate Information

  • Preferred Name and Country: Will Myers, USA
  • Wallet Address: 0x24efcc10feb1718511edc8592413eb9245a69fa4
  • Social Media: Discord, Twitter, Telegram, etc.: @mwilliammyers
  • Miner Group: Developers
  • Miner Council: Platform Council

Specializations: Production Development and Data & Information

Production Development

I have led the engineering department for over 4 years to build the Telcoin application and surrounding infrastructure and ecosystem. I have previous experience building products.

Data & Information

I have experience building applications using many tools/programming languages and platforms. I have experience building Web3 applications and working with smart contracts and Web3 RPCs. I have experience as a Software Engineer and a DevOps engineer.

About Me

Q: How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the community?

I found out about Telcoin on Reddit as part of my job search in the blockchain space. I was immediately drawn to Telcoin’s mission of financial freedom for everyone as well as the people on the Telcoin team and in the broader community. Telcoin was and is in a unique position amongst the crypto and traditional finance sectors to deliver on this mission.

Q: What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?

I have participated across the whole ecosystem as a user and a builder.

Q: Why should you be selected?

I offer a unique mix of experience across several disciplines: technical, product development, and leadership. I have leadership and technical experience working at Telcoin for over 4 years.

Q: Why are you running for this position?

I am passionate about building the future of the Telcoin Platform, applications, infrastructure, and ecosystem as a whole.

Q: What unique skills, experiences, and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?

I have technical and leadership experience. I started as a Lead Software Engineer at Telcoin and worked on Telcoin’s backend, including leveraging our smart contract infrastructure. I then transitioned into a leadership role. Having both business leadership and technical experience will help me guide and implement the Telcoin Platform and ecosystem development.

Q: How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?

Along with the other Developer miners, I will be the voice of the Developers to ensure they are well represented and protected. The technologies fundamental to and surrounding the blockchain space, as well as the people building and maintaining them, deserve representation at an integral level to the Telcoin Platform. I will be active on Discord and social media to ensure I listen to and understand the community’s needs.