Platform Council Election 1: Validators

Candidate Information

  • Preferred Name and Country: Preferred name and location
    • Steven Stanfield/United States
  • Wallet Address: Wallet address to be used in Council member voting.
    • 0x9F35A76bE2a3A84FF0c0A6365CD3C5CeB3a7FD97
  • Social Media: Telcoin Discord username, Twitter account
    • uplandix: Discord
  • Specializations: Please select one or more specializations below and describe your experience.
    • Rust developer, L1 blockchain developer.

Council Nomination Application: Provide responses to the following questions.

  • Introduction
    • How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community
      • I found out about Telcoin via my career path. I am excited to be part of a new blockchain initiative that I feel has a real future.
    • What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
      • I am currently employed as a protocol engineer working on Telcoin Network.
  • Why should you be selected?
    • Why are you running for this position?
      • As a current protocol engineer, I have a unique perspective on design and implementation of Telcoin Network. As a recent team member, I am expanding my involvement with Telcoin Network and other products as a user as well as a developer.
    • What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
      • As a professional developer with a long career spanning many technologies, I bring a wealth of general technical knowledge.
        More recently having worked on another L1 blockchain prior to Telcoin (Polysign), I am well versed in the underlying blockchain technology.
    • What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
      • My focus will be on the low level L1 blockchain implementation. Building a solid and secure foundation for Telcoin Network is my goal.
    • How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
      • As a current protocol engineer on Telcoin Network, I can act as a direct voice on the protocol development team. I will also have insight into a proposal’s technical feasibility and effort level and can provide guidance in those areas.
    • How will you keep your constituency informed?
      • Primarily via feedback during the TIP process and will participate via Discord.
    • How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?
      • Around 8 hours a week as duties demand. I expect this to be interleaved with my professional duties for the Telcoin Association.