Treasury Council Election 1: Validators

Candidate Information

Preferred Name and Country:

Grant Kee, USA

Wallet Address:


Social Media:

  • Telcoin Discord: Grant | Telcoin

  • Twitter: @9rantkee


  • Distributed Systems

  • Blockchain Protocols

  • Consensus Mechanisms

  • Software Engineering

  • Leadership

Council Nomination Application Responses:


I discovered Telcoin a few years ago while researching platforms that genuinely focus on user empowerment and financial inclusivity. The ethos and vision of Telcoin resonated deeply with my personal and professional values, so I reached out to join their blockchain engineering team. I am inspired by the prospect of contributing to a community that is not just technologically innovative but also a force for positive change in the financial and blockchain ecosystems.

Experience with Telcoin

I’m the lead protocol engineer building Telcoin Network. I have hands-on experience with every layer of the Platform, both at the infrastructure level and as a regular user. My experience with Telcoin has provided me with a thorough understanding of the intricacies of the Telcoin Platform. I hope to continue engaging with the miner communities and contribute towards the evolution of the platform’s architecture with Telcoin Network and validator node operators.

Why Should You Be Selected?

My extensive technical background, coupled with my proactive involvement in the Telcoin codebase, uniquely positions me to bridge the gap between technological advancement and miner solutions. I’m keen to leverage my expertise in blockchain technology and my comprehensive understanding of the Telcoin Platform to contribute to the council’s decisions meaningfully. I see a huge opportunity for the Telcoin community and take this opportunity very seriously.

Why Are You Running for This Position?

I am running for this position to actively contribute to shaping the future of the Telcoin Platform. I believe that my technical insights and forward-thinking approach can significantly influence the development and implementation of strategic initiatives for the Treasury Council in a way that benefits everyone involved. I am deeply committed to the success of Telcoin Network and the Platform in general.

Unique Skills and Experiences

My proficiency in blockchain architecture and my proven track record in project leadership equip me with the unique skills to oversee complex projects and navigate the challenges of scalable blockchain solutions. I excel at balancing business needs with engineering desires and have significant experience communicating both perspectives on projects. My experience with airdrops and networks further enhances my ability to contribute valuable perspectives on the strategic allocation and utilization of TEL resources.

I was also instrumental in restoring user wallets in a safe and efficient manner following the Christmas attack on our community. I have unique insight on the Telcoin Network protocol and ways in which we can successfully implement proposals to improve the Platform.

Proposed Changes and Improvements

I aim to propose initiatives that incentivize wide-spread validator adoption for the Telcoin Network in a way that supports the sustainable growth of the Telcoin ecosystem. Telcoin Network has the potential to disrupt traditional blockchain approaches, and I plan to lead that charge.

One of my first initiatives on the Council is to open-source the Telcoin Network codebase so the community has more insight and input towards the network’s future. Inviting developers to make meaningful contributions will help the Platform grow stronger, more quickly, and securely. Transparency is paramount and open-source code is critical for the network’s success.

Part of my responsibility to the community as the Developer Representative on the Treasury Council would include determining and enforcing how TEL is harvested by the network. The opportunity to represent developers on our Platform would empower me to use my deep understanding of Telcoin Network’s protocol to swiftly and effectively interact with the community to implement proposed changes, while also identifying any potential obstacles we might face. I’m happy to discuss this in greater detail if the community has questions.

Representation of Miner Group Interests

I will actively engage with the validator miner community to ensure their interests and concerns are heard and addressed. My approach involves transparent communication, regular updates, and inclusive decision-making to ensure that validators and all miners on our platform have their interests represented during the council’s deliberations. I firmly believe that the only way we can succeed is if we all agree.

The approval rate for the Treasury Council requires 4/4 approvals, and I think that is the right approach. By prioritizing the Platform, I believe it is possible to understand both sides of a proposal conflict and reach an agreement that benefits the Platform.

Keeping Constituency Informed

I am committed to maintaining an open line of communication with my constituency. Regular updates through the Telcoin forum, Discord, and direct interactions will be my modus operandi to ensure everyone is well-informed and aligned with the council’s activities and decisions. I plan to open-source the Telcoin Network code base and invite all developers on our Platform to participate.

Time Dedication

I am prepared to dedicate as much time as needed to fulfill my responsibilities as a member of the Treasury Council, ensuring that my contribution is substantial and impactful. The Telcoin Platform is not a “job” to me, it’s my lifestyle. It’s a huge part of my identity.

In summary, my candidacy is driven by a blend of passion for the Telcoin mission, a deep understanding of the technological underpinnings of the Platform, and a commitment to fostering a transparent and collaborative community. As a member of the Treasury Council, I would be honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the governance and strategic direction of the Telcoin Platform.

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