TAN Council Election 1: Validators

Apply Now

Submit the following candidate information and application to be considered for a TAN Council position by Validators in the next election.

Candidate Information

  • Preferred Name and Country: Preferred name and location.
  • Wallet Address: Wallet address to be used in Council member voting.
    • Note: By submitting your wallet address you are sharing the ownership and transaction history for the entire world to see and associate with you. Only submit an address you are comfortable sharing publicly.
  • Social Media: Telcoin Discord username, Twitter account
  • Specializations: Please select one or more specializations below and describe your experience.
    • Marketing and Education
    • Incentives, Data
    • Communication
    • Production Coordination

Council Nomination Application: Provide responses to the following questions.

  • Introduction
    • How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community
    • What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
  • Why should you be selected?
    • Why are you running for this position?
    • What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
    • What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
    • How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
    • How will you keep your constituency informed?
    • How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?

Candidate Information
Preferred Name and Country: Ihsan Utku Tugrul, USA
Wallet Address: 0xa5B3A5C9cedF0Ee176b4B9a542daedC71D42728f
Social Media: Twitter account : @utkutugrul33
Specializations: Communication, Incentives, Data
Council Nomination Application:
• Introduction
How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community
I discovered Telcoin through my professional network and joined the team in March 2022. I’m excited about its potential to revolutionize financial inclusion.
What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
As a Security Engineer at Telcoin, I have extensive experience with our platform’s infrastructure and operations.
◦ Why are you running for this position?
To bridge the gap between our development team and the validator community.
◦ What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
My combination of knowledge and technical expertise will be valuable for effective decision-making.
◦ What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
I plan to propose improvements in validator engagement and incentive structures.
◦ How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
I’ll actively seek miners’ input and ensure their perspectives are included in decisions.
◦ How will you keep your constituency informed?
My primary communication channel will be active engagement on Discord and other social platforms. As a member of the Telcoin team, I’ll ensure prompt updates and insights, effectively bridging the gap between internal developments and the community’s interests