About the TANIP category


Submit TANIP to this channel proposals for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community and the TAN Council.

TANIP Authority

The TAN Council may use the TANIP process to set, enforce, revise:

  • TAN TEL Allocation and Harvesting Rules: Make or change the rules that regulate TEL within TAN to be harvested by Developers and Stakers.
  • TAN Provisioning, Construction and Maintenance Rules: Make or change the rules that plan, finance the construction of new system improvements and maintenance to existing TAN network infrastructure.
  • TAN Communication and Information Rules: Make or change the rules that structure how information is shared and communicated by the TAN Council with the community.

TANIP Proposal Template

  1. Abstract: Please share a brief summary 2-3 of the proposed changes.
  2. Specification: Please give a complete description of the changes that will be made.
  3. Rationale: Please provide a rationale for the changes.
  4. Implementation: Please provide details related to who will take what steps to implement the changes.
  5. Transactions: If your proposal involves transferring TEL, please specify the amount and destination.

TANIP Documentation: Learn more about the TANIP process here.