Council Proposals
TAOIP Improvement proposals voted on by Telcoin Autonomous Operations (TAO). CCIP Submit Compliance Council Improvement Proposals (CCIP) to this channel for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community and Compliance Council related to Miner Council veto actions, altering authorizations and conflict resolution processes. TANIP Submit TANIP to this channel proposals for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community and the TAN Council. TNIP Discussions about specific TNIPs (improvement propsals), and general proposals which may become TNIPs. If applicable, specify the TNIP issue # in the topic title. TELxIP Submit TELxIP proposals to this channel for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community and the TELx Council. TIP Submit TIP proposals to this channel for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community and Platform Council related to platform-wide, social rules. TELIP Submit TELIP proposals to this channel for deliberation, feedback, and contestation by the community, the Platform and Treasury Councils.