TAN Council Election 1: Stakers

Preferred Name and Country:
L1berty Lad, USA

Wallet Address:

Social Media:

  • Telcoin Discord Username: L1bertylad
  • Twitter Account: L1bertylad
  • Telegram: L1bertylad


Marketing and Education:
After High School I joined the Marine Corps for 4 years. I did two tours to Afghanistan and was honorably discharged in 2012. I then got my associate’s degree and have been working my way up the ladder of an Industrial Equipment company ever since. I have 5 years of experience in Marketing and 10 years’ experience in Sales and Business Development. My work is focused on developing new and existing customer relationships while driving sales and creating educational content and campaigns that simplify industrial equipment operating experience for broader audiences, helping to drive adoption & engagement.


I first discovered Telcoin in early 2021 when I decided to join the crypto movement. What initially captivated me was Telcoin’s innovative approach to working with Mobile Network Operators to provide banking solutions for the unbanked. The potential impact of this initiative was incredibly intriguing, and I was eager to see how they would execute such an ambitious goal. As I continued to learn more about Telcoin’s expansion and their commitment to compliance, I became deeply invested in following their progress.

Simultaneously, I became an active member of the social media community, where I connected with like-minded individuals who kept me engaged and motivated. This inspired me to contribute to the community’s growth by creating websites where people could purchase Telcoin-related merchandise. One of these sites also served as a hub for other “Telfam” members to share their projects and talents with the community. Over time, I’ve organized and contributed to giveaways totaling over $2,000, and I look forward to continuing these efforts in the future.

Websites: Telcoin

Experience with the Telcoin Platform:

I have been an active participant in the Telcoin ecosystem, both as a user and an advocate. My involvement has included exploring the platform’s capabilities and contributing to community discussions aimed at optimizing its services. My hands-on experience with Telcoin includes trading, sending money, and participating in the staking referral program, where I currently have seven referrals. (Feel free to use my code: 8450b1264eb to start staking and earning today.) These activities have significantly deepened my understanding of Telcoin’s infrastructure and the needs of its users.

Why Should You Be Selected?

I believe I am well-suited for the TAN Council due to my strong background in marketing, communication, and sales, paired with my deep commitment to Telcoin’s mission. My expertise in these areas, along with the work I’ve done in creating merchandise websites, positions me to effectively contribute to Telcoin’s growth. I am dedicated to ensuring that Telcoin’s services continue to meet the needs of its global user base. Transparency, collaboration, and driving meaningful progress within the network are core principles that I am committed to upholding in this role.

Why Are You Running for This Position?

I am running for this position because I believe in Telcoin’s vision of democratizing finance, and I want to play a more active role in shaping its future. I truly enjoy being part of the Telfam community and want what’s best for the community at large.

Proposed Changes and Improvements:

If elected, I intend to focus on enhancing marketing strategies and community engagement. The Telfam community is a strong foundation of individuals who genuinely care about the success of Telcoin. Even during quieter periods in the market, effective communication and a sense of camaraderie have been essential in maintaining patience and a positive outlook among members. I believe that by strengthening these aspects, we can continue to build a resilient and supportive community that drives Telcoin forward.

Representation of Miner Group Interests:

I will represent my miner group by maintaining open lines of communication and regularly seeking their input on key issues. My decision-making process will be inclusive, ensuring that the voices of all stakeholders are considered.

Keeping Constituency Informed:

I plan to keep my constituency informed through regular updates via social media (Discord, Twitter, Telegram). These updates will include summaries of Council meetings, upcoming proposals, and opportunities for community input. My goal is to ensure that all members feel engaged and aware of the decisions being made on their behalf.

Time Commitment:

I am prepared to dedicate 4-8 hours per week to fulfill my duties as a TAN Council member. This time will be allocated to attending meetings, engaging with the community, and working on initiatives that advance Telcoin’s mission.