TELx Council Election 1: Developers

Apply Now

Submit the following candidate information and application to be considered for a TELx Council position by Developers in the next election.

Candidate Information: Submit the following information about yourself.

  • Preferred Name and Country: Preferred name and location
  • Wallet Address: Wallet address used to be used in Council member voting.
    • Note: By submitting your wallet address you are sharing the ownership and transaction history for the entire world to see and associate with you. Only submit an address you are comfortable sharing publicly.
  • Social Media: Telcoin Discord username, Twitter account.
  • Miner Group: Select either Staker, Developer, Liquidity Miner, Validators
  • Specializations: Select from one or more of the following specializations and describe your experience.
    • Marketing, Education
    • Data
    • Marketplace, Ecosystem, Communication and Information
    • Production Coordination

Council Nomination Application: Provide responses to the following questions.

  • Introduction
    • How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community
    • What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
  • Why should you be selected?
    • Why are you running for this position?
    • What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
    • What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
    • How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
    • How will you keep your constituency informed?
    • How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?

Candidate Information:

  • Preferred Name and Country: Andrew Pinch, Canada
  • Wallet Address: 0xC306ecEe1933Aa60B98B1690786aD9559c059717
  • Social Media: Discord – Andrew_Pinch, Twitter – @Andrew_Pinch, @TELxCommunity
  • Miner Group: Developer
  • Specializations: Select from one or more of the following specializations and describe your experience.
    • Marketing, Education, Data, Marketplace, Ecosystem, Communication and Information, and Production Coordination:
      • Co-created the TELxCommunity website and Twitter account, with educational and analytical content about TELx and DeFi. This website provides details about everything DeFi and a step-by-step guide to understand how to provide and stake liquidity on TELx. Also provides some analytics on liquidity, volume, and fees as they relate to Telcoin’s TELx.
      • Provide daily updates on TELx liquidity, volume, fees, and APRs from the TELxCommunity account. I’ve been posting these out since 2022, and had a streak going of 300+ days until my internet was shut down for 2 days…. Streak over :frowning:.
      • Co-host of the bi-weekly/monthly Telfam Community Chats where Steve and I chat about everything and anything Telcoin related. (Since 2022)
      • Consistently posting and direct messaging with Telfam members on Twitter (X), Telegram and Discord to help them with all aspects of Telcoin, with a larger emphasis on education of TELx.
      • Consistent educational posts on Twitter/Telegram about everything DeFi and TELx.
      • Word of mouth marketing to all family and friends, and really anyone who will listen to me talk about Telcoin via the Stake and Refer Program. (30+ referrals)
      • Took the initiative to lead the Dune Analytics project back in 2021, which tracked all the TELx pools liquidity, volume and fees over time.
      • Helped create and initially seed some of the Generalized Incentives (GI) Pools on Balancer (TEL/SUSHI, TEL/LDO, TEL/PYR, and TEL/OCEAN).

Council Nomination Application: Provide responses to the following questions:

  • Introduction
    • How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community?
      • I initially bought into the ICO in 2017/18, but I didn’t really get involved in the community until 2021. The initial idea of banking the unbanked and providing user-owned financial services/products to the world through telecoms is what made me dive deeper into this project. Such a large and untapped market for them to target. It was never going to be easy, but researching the team, I had the confidence that they could step up to the challenge… and I wasn’t wrong!!
      • I’m most excited about being apart of the Telcoin community to continue to help educate people about their own personal finances. Seeing how the banks take more then they should from hard working people, I want to help them learn about putting their money to work for them through the Telcoin Platform.
    • What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
      • I have a lot of experience interacting with the Telcoin Platform, as described in “Specializations” section above. I started providing liquidity to TELx when it launched and have been in and out of many different pools since. I’ve staked in the app as part of the Stake and Refer program and have been earning incentives since it launched.
      • Participated in the initial snapshot vote for TGIP1, and hosted a live Telfam Community Chat with Parker and Steve to review the entire proposal (2h45m chat), along with a launch party for when it went live… safe to say we all had a good time that night. :blush:
  • Why should you be selected?
    • Why are you running for this position?
      • Alignment with the Telcoin vision as a whole, and enjoy helping and educating people about taking financial responsibility of their own assets. I’d also love to be apart and help shape something that could potentially change the way we bank and interact in a decentralized and peer to peer manner.
    • What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
      • As mentioned above, I’ve got a lot of experience working with the Telcoin Platform as a whole, and would hope that all my work and effort is shown as credible to those who consume it. I also have a passion for data and analytics, and have great time management skills.
    • What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
      • More educational content around how the Platform works, and how others can benefit from it. This could be done with short videos that are incentivized to watch (Learn and Earn). Could also add a quiz at the end with extra TEL rewards for correct answers.
      • I would like to get the ability to provide and stake liquidity directly on the Telcoin app to increase exposure to TELx and hopefully increase TVL, which will only have a net benefit to the entire Telcoin ecosystem.
      • Increase the amount of analytics for TELx, specifically adding in a statistic on level of Liquidity Pool Tokens (LPTs) within each pool so we can see if the pool is growing through price appreciation or more individuals providing liquidity.
    • How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
      • Constant communication and collaboration with the miner group members and other council members to continue to push the Telcoin Platform forward in a way that benefits most. Open to criticism, but will also hold my ground on an ideas/issues that I agree strongly with.
    • How will you keep your constituency informed?
      • Regular updates, or updates as required via Twitter (X), Telegram and/or Discord. DMs will always remain open for any questions or dialogue with the Telfam.
    • How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?
      • Whatever is required.